Anita’s journey with a fly rod began at age 3 when her father, an avid outdoorsman, sat her on the bank with a tattered Zebco rod. A deep love for the outdoors was born, and more importantly, a passion to pursue anything that could be caught with a fishing rod. Her extensive fly fishing experience spans over
20 years and she is comfortable in both fresh and saltwater. A former competitive angler, she has fished alongside some of the World’s best. In 2017, she earned the title of NJ Flyfisherman of the year. Anita is a graduate of Reel Women Guide School, based in Montana. She is proud to be an Orvis Endorsed Guide with Cross Current Guide Service, and in season you can find her navigating her Clackacraft on the Upper Delaware River, chasing some of the toughest brown trout around. In addition to guiding, Anita is active with Casting for Recovery and has been involved for over 10 years. She is also an avid writer and contributor for magazines such as Dun Magazine and Fly Fisherman.
20 years and she is comfortable in both fresh and saltwater. A former competitive angler, she has fished alongside some of the World’s best. In 2017, she earned the title of NJ Flyfisherman of the year. Anita is a graduate of Reel Women Guide School, based in Montana. She is proud to be an Orvis Endorsed Guide with Cross Current Guide Service, and in season you can find her navigating her Clackacraft on the Upper Delaware River, chasing some of the toughest brown trout around. In addition to guiding, Anita is active with Casting for Recovery and has been involved for over 10 years. She is also an avid writer and contributor for magazines such as Dun Magazine and Fly Fisherman.